Monday, August 25, 2008

My presentation in Wales this summer

In July I visited Cardiff, Wales to present
"Digital Audio Lectures: Securing the Library's Future" at the Health Libraries Group Conference sponsored by CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) The conference was held in the City Hall, an elegant Edwardian marble structure built in 1905 where chandeliers and paintings decorated the rooms!
It was a privilege to represent the medical school and our library, and I enjoyed meeting and talking with medical librarians from the UK and from other countries as well. They were perfect hosts and although I was there only a short time, I enjoyed visiting the famous castle, the Bay area and 100 acres of historically preserved buildings that recreated Welsh life in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
The highlight of the trip was a tour of the famous Millenium Stadium (Cardiff is a big sports town!) and a lovely dinner of roast lamb (apparently a Welsh specialty)
Although I paid for the entire trip myself and I was without my luggage for almost 2 days, it was a valuable opportunity to share my expertise with international colleagues and learn from them.

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